We BBQ ours using the famous Beer Can method. Soooo good and tasty.
Organically raised on our certified organic pastures, free range, happy life and fed certified organic chicken feed. This organic diet combined with spending their days outdoors enjoying their pasture grasses, bugs, fresh air and sunshine all of which generates a juicy, very tasty chicken that has a deep flavor you’ve never experienced from grocery store poultry.
Neck, gizzrds, liver and heart not included, just the pure bird!
Photo for image only. Certified Organic Chicken Feed contains: Organic Corn, Organic Milo, Roasted Soybeans, Organic Wheat, Organic Barley, Poultry Nutri-balancer plus other ingrdients. Visit the website of Reedy Fork Farm for specific details on the Organic Broiler Feed we feed our chickens.Organic Corn, Organic Milo, Organic Wheat, Organic Oats, Organic Peas, Organic Sesame Meal, Organic Flax Meal, Crab Meal, Fertrell Poultry Nutri-balancer and other ingredients. Visit the website of Reedy Fork Farm for specific details on the Organic Soy Free Broiler Feed we feed our chickens.
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